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C-19, 2Floor, Vasundhara Hatt Complex, Sec-13, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201012

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Trademark Objection

A trademark objection is raised by the Trademark Examiner during the examination of your application. It is not a rejection but a preliminary step where the registrar seeks clarification or additional information about the application. Timely addressing objections is critical to avoid application rejection.

Common Reasons for Trademark Objection

  • Similarity: The trademark is identical or similar to an existing registered trademark.
  • Descriptiveness: The trademark directly describes the goods or services.
  • Lack of Distinctiveness: The trademark is generic and does not distinguish your product or service.
  • Incorrect Details: Application contains incorrect or incomplete information.
  • Prohibited Marks: Trademark includes words or symbols restricted by law.
  • Failure to Respond: No response to prior notices or objections.

Steps to Handle Trademark Objection

  1. Step 1: Review the objection notice thoroughly to understand the grounds for objection.
  2. Step 2: Draft a comprehensive response addressing the issues raised by the examiner.
  3. Step 3: Submit the reply to the Trademark Registry along with supporting evidence and documents.
  4. Step 4: Attend a hearing (if required) to provide clarifications or additional evidence.
  5. Step 5: Monitor the application status for the next steps or updates from the Trademark Registry.

Documents Required to Respond to a Trademark Objection

  • Objection Notice: Copy of the objection issued by the Trademark Registry.
  • Proof of Business Use: Documents showing prior use of the trademark (e.g., invoices, advertisements).
  • Authorization: Power of Attorney if filing through a representative.
  • Evidence: Any additional proof supporting your claim for trademark registration.

How Global Taxman Assists You

At Global Taxman, we provide expert assistance to respond to trademark objections effectively and ensure your application progresses smoothly. Our services include:

  • Reviewing the objection notice in detail.
  • Drafting a clear and convincing reply to the Trademark Registrar.
  • Submitting necessary evidence and documentation.
  • Providing legal representation during hearings.
  • Tracking application status and ensuring timely updates.

Importance of Timely Response

Failure to respond to a trademark objection within the prescribed time frame may result in the abandonment of your application. Addressing objections promptly ensures your trademark registration remains on track.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What happens if my trademark objection is not resolved? The application may be rejected or abandoned if the objection is not resolved satisfactorily.
  • Can I reapply after an objection? Yes, you can reapply for the trademark with necessary modifications or corrections.
  • Do I need legal help to respond to an objection? Professional assistance can significantly improve the chances of resolving objections effectively.
Trademark Objection

Trademark Objection

Resolve your trademark objection in India with Global Taxman India Ltd. File replies online and ensure seamless trademark registration with our experts.

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