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FCRA Registration: A Guide to Foreign Contribution Regulation Act in India

FCRA Registration: A Guide to Foreign Contribution Regulation Act in India

In India, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), charitable institutions, and other entities often rely on donations and funding from foreign sources to support their missions.

What is FCRA Registration?

FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) Registration is a legal requirement for NGOs, social organizations, and charitable institutions in India that wish to receive foreign contributions or donations. The FCRA is a government law that ensures that the foreign funds received by these organizations are used for lawful purposes and not in a way that may affect India’s national security or social harmony.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) regulates the FCRA, and organizations must be registered under the Act to receive foreign donations legally.

Eligibility Criteria for FCRA Registration

To qualify for FCRA registration, organizations must meet certain eligibility requirements:

  1. Active for at Least 3 Years:
    • The organization must have been in existence for at least three years before applying for FCRA registration. It should have a record of working on social causes, such as education, health, environment, etc.
  2. No Prior Violations:
    • The organization must not have been involved in activities that violate any laws of India. The organization should be in good legal standing with the authorities.
  3. Proper Financial Records:
    • The organization must maintain proper books of accounts and financial records. It should be able to show how foreign contributions were used in the past.
  4. Valid Legal Status:
    • The organization must be a registered legal entity, such as a trust, society, or Section 8 company.
  5. Government Approval:
    • The organization should not have been banned from receiving foreign donations by any government authority.

Documents Required for FCRA Registration

To apply for FCRA registration, the following documents are typically required:

  1. Certificate of Incorporation of the organization (Trust, Society, or Company).
  2. Registration Number of the organization.
  3. PAN Card of the organization.
  4. Audit Reports for the last three years (showing proper financial records).
  5. List of Governing Members of the organization.
  6. Address Proof of the organization's office.
  7. Mission and Activities details.
  8. FCRA Bank Account Details (The organization must open a designated FCRA bank account for receiving foreign donations).
  9. NOC from the Managing Trustee or Governing Body of the organization.

How to Apply for FCRA Registration?

The process of applying for FCRA Registration is straightforward but involves several steps to ensure compliance with the law:

Step 1: Create an Account on the FCRA Portal

  • Visit the official FCRA Portal ( of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
  • Register by creating an account using your organization’s details.

Step 2: Submit Online Application

  • After creating the account, the next step is to submit an online application form for FCRA registration.
  • Fill in all necessary details, including the organization's legal information, details of activities, and financial status.

Step 3: Upload Required Documents

  • Upload the necessary documents such as the organization’s registration certificate, audit reports, PAN, and other supporting papers that prove the credibility and financial transparency of your organization.

Step 4: FCRA Bank Account Details

  • Open a separate FCRA bank account specifically for receiving foreign contributions. Details of this account need to be provided during the application.

Step 5: Complete the Application Process

  • Complete the online application by verifying the details and submitting the form.
  • After submission, the Ministry of Home Affairs will review the application and documents.

Step 6: Review and Approval

  • The Ministry of Home Affairs will evaluate the application and, if everything is in order, grant FCRA Registration. If any discrepancies or issues are found, they may request clarification or additional documents.

Step 7: Receive FCRA Registration Certificate

  • Once approved, you will receive an FCRA Registration Certificate, which will allow your organization to legally receive foreign contributions. The registration will be valid for five years, after which it must be renewed.

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