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Expedited Trademark Registration: Fast-Tracking Your Brand Protection

Expedited Trademark Registration: Fast-Tracking Your Brand Protection

Expedited trademark registration helps businesses quickly secure their brand name, making it especially beneficial for companies entering competitive markets or launching new products.

What is Expedited Trademark Registration?

Expedited Trademark Registration is a fast-track process that allows applicants to speed up the examination and processing of their trademark application. This means that instead of waiting months or years for examination, businesses can get their trademark examined within 3 to 6 months.

This option is available under Rule 34 of the Trademark Rules, 2017, and requires payment of an additional fee.

Eligibility for Expedited Trademark Registration

To apply for expedited registration, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • The application must be filed online (manual applications are not eligible).
  • The applicant must pay the additional government fee for expedited processing.
  • The request must be properly justified, such as urgent business expansion or international filings.

Step-by-Step Process of Expedited Trademark Registration

Step 1: Trademark Search

Before applying, a comprehensive trademark search should be conducted to ensure the mark is unique and does not conflict with existing trademarks.

Step 2: Filing the Trademark Application

The applicant must submit the trademark application (Form TM-A) through the official IP India website. The application must contain:

  • The brand name, logo, or tagline
  • Details of the applicant
  • A description of goods or services
  • A priority claim (if applicable)

Step 3: Request for Expedited Examination

To fast-track the process, the applicant must file Form TM-M and pay an additional expedited examination fee. This request ensures that the Trademark Office examines the application within 3 to 6 months instead of the usual 12-18 months.

Step 4: Trademark Examination

Once the expedited request is accepted, the Trademark Examiner reviews the application and issues an Examination Report. The examiner may either:

  • Accept the application and move it forward for publication.
  • Raise objections that need to be addressed by the applicant.

Step 5: Trademark Publication

If no objections are raised, the trademark is published in the Trademark Journal for public opposition for a period of four months. If no opposition is filed, the trademark moves to registration.

Step 6: Issuance of Trademark Registration Certificate

After successful publication, the Trademark Office grants the Registration Certificate, officially recognizing the applicant as the owner of the trademark.


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